Thank you for visiting my website.
My name is Jan Verboom, I’m a Professional Photographer living in Cape Town.
I have been a photographer for many years, but what I love most is that it allows me to connect with the world around me.
I’m always on-the-look for universal moments, life morphs and tastes change but at the end of the day, a great image will always be a great image!
Whether you require online content, shooting a Print Campaign, delivering a Billboard idea, or making a memorable portrait… visuals need to communicate and tell a narrative.
99% of the images you see on my website have been colour-graded by myself, however, very few have been retouched or Photoshopped.
My driving force is to find that universal thread that connects us all as humans without it being cliched.
Let’s find a look and a feel that will work for you!
get in touch
Sue Norton – Producer
082 335 7070
Jan Verboom
082 652 2278
where I work

Roodebloem Studios is Jan Verboom’s brain child. Situated only 5 minutes from Cape Town’s CBD and home to 10 magnificent shooting spaces, we strive to be the ultimate Stills or Film Rental Studio. This magnificent venue is perfect for locations, corporate functions, weddings, exhibitions, and other events.
Also housing a large on-site stills gear rental facility, we provide an extensive range of flash (Profoto), digital (Canon/Hasselblad/Apple), and many other accessories. Let us provide you with a studio and gear.
“We fuss over all our clients to make them feel at home and pride ourselves on offering quality products, competitive prices, and above all, great customer service.” says owner Jan Verboom. “The continued loyalty from customers is worth more than anything.”
View our website www.roodebloemstudios.co.za to get a comprehensive idea of what we offer.
ACG (India)
AIB Bank (Kazakhstan)
Al Ain Water (UAE)
ALDI Nord (Denmark)
Allianz Insurance (Germany)
Birds Eye (United Kingdom)
Breo ( USA)
Breztri (USA)
Canal Digital (Sweden)
Claritin (USA)
Clearasil (USA)
Coors Beer (Canada)
Dano / Arla Milk (Nigeria)
Davita (Uganda)
Dove Soap (UK)
Dr Scholls (USA)
Expert Electro Markt (Germany)
Facebook (Africa)
Fairy (Turkey)
Fanta (Norway)
Gardenia (Germany)
Gold Television (UK)
Grand Coffee (Russia)
Henkel (Germany)
Heinz (USA)
Honda (UK)
Husqvarna (UK)
Jayli Clothing (USA)K9 Advantix (USA)
Keyplan Bank (Belgium)
Kraken Rum (USA)
Latiere Francais (France)
LG (South Korea)
Liddl (Finland)
Lindt Chocolate (Switzerland)
Lysol (USA)
Mutzig Beer (Africa)
Michelob Beer (Belgium)
NBC Telemundo (Spain)
Nissan (Japan)
Nutella (Germany)
Open Bank (India)
Panasonic (Germany)
Peugeot (France)
Persil/ Henkel (China)
PMU (France)
Samsung (South Korea)
Skoda (Belgium)
Soliqua (USA)
State Street Finance (USA)
Strongbow Cider (UK)
Sublocade (USA)
Tena (Canada)
Trumenba (USA)
Vivid Vape (UK)
Vattenfal Energy (Sweden)
1Life (SA)
Alto Rouge (SA)
Amstel Lager (SA)
Archers Aqua (SA)
Bains Whiskey (SA)
Ballantines (SA)
Campari (SA)
Captain Morgan (SA)
Chanel (SA)
Distell (SA)
Energade (SA)
Flying Fish (SA)
Fish Eagle (SA)
Graham Beck (SA)
Heineken (SA)
Hennessy (SA)
Hunters Dry (SA)
J&B (SA)
Johnson & Johnson
Johnny Walker (SA)
Klipdrift (SA)
KFM Radio (SA)
L’Ormirans Wines (SA)
Melomed (SA)
Momentum (SA)
Namaqua (SA)
Nederbuig Wines (SA)
Outsurance (SA)
Oude Meester (SA)
Pilsener Urquell (SA)
Pepsi (SA)
Red Heart Rum (SA)
Richelieu (SA)
Sanlam (SA)
Santam( SA)
Sasko (SA)
Savanna (SA)
Tanqueray (SA)
Tokara (SA)
Windhoek Beer (SA)
Audi (SA)
Hyundai (SA)
Joule (SA)
Kia (SA)
Nissan (SA)
Nissan (Japan)
Opel (SA)
Renault (SA)
Skoda (Belgium)
Toyota (SA)
Volkswagen (SA)
Volvo (SA)
Allan Grey (SA)
Capfin (SA)
Capitec (SA)
Discovery Bank SA
Henley and Partners (SA)
Investec (SA)
Mediclinic (SA)
Midway (SA)
MNet (SA)
Mortgage SA (SA)
MWeb (SA)
Sanlam (SA)
Santam (SA)
Old Mutual (SA)
Prudential (SA)
Vodacom (SA)
Business Day (SA)
Cosmopolitan (SA)
Elle Decor (SA)
House and Leisure (SA)
Wanted Magazine (SA)
American Swiss (SA)
Avis Hire (SA)
Bio Oil (SA)
Blood Bank (SA)
Bonita (SA)
Budget Hire (SA)
Caltex (SA)
City of Cape Town (SA)
Dentine (SA)
Durex (SA)
Engen (SA)
Fairtrade Coffee (SA)
Franshhoek Motor Museum (SA)
Hetzner (SA)
Italcotto (SA)
Leica (SA)
Lentheric (SA)
Levis (SA)
Lucky Pet (SA)
Markham (SA)
Mavericks (SA)
Monteil (SA)
Musica (SA)
Pam Golding (SA)
Parmalat (SA)
Pendoring (SA)
Presidential Shirts (SA)
Protea Hotels (SA)
Purity Foods (SA)
Rimmel (South Africa) (SA)
Sasko (SA)
Shell (SA)
Supreme Noodles (SA)
Ster Kinekor (SA)
Turbo King (SA)
Yardley (SA)
Woolworths (SA)
Atomik Pictures
AFS Productions
Bioscope Films
Boomtown Boys
Cab Films
Casta Diva Pictures
Cape Town Productions
Cyclone Films
Egg Films
Freelink Productions
Frieze Films
Gatehouse Productions
Giant Films
Ground Glass Productions
Juice Films
Miros Productions
Monkey Films
Moonlighting Productions
Navigator Films
Orange Films
Prinz Productions
Platypus Productions
Smoking Gun
Steel Productions
The Big Picture Company
Twin Films
Wink Films
Velocity Films
Lucan Visuals
140 BBDO
ACLC Canada
Arctic Circle
Bester Burke Slingers
Draft FCB
Engage Brandcraft
Envision Denmark
Fox P2
Grey Istanbul
Havas Johannesburg
Havas Worldwide New York
Henley and Global
King James Advertising
Kite Design
Lowe Bull
Saatchi & Saatchi
Switch Design
Jupiter Drawing Room
Young & Rubicam
Zoom Advert